Wednesday, January 7, 2009

...but it was everything I had hoped it would be - and more.

I've been talking about doing this whole blog thing for a while now, but always felt conflicted. I never felt that I really did enough with myself to justify writing it somewhere where some random stranger might read about it and find it amusing, if not entertaining.

Then again, these last few months have been crazy, and now I'm stuck spinning my wheels, I don't know which path to take. You see, I'm in what someone might call a real "transition" period in my life. I'm either going to end up moving down south to La Mirada, CA and live with some of my friends from back in the day, or I may find myself here in central California, searching for some real purpose. Why the move? Well, since we're just meeting one another I'll be brief. Relationships don't always work, and when you get as deeply involved as I did in my last one you've got only a couple of choices when its over: either you move, or she does. Visalia is too small a town for two people with dirt on one another to live peaceably enough. So, with that in mind I'm looking to relocate and redefine who I am.

Fortunately, I've got some of the groundwork already laid out. I'm 27, Christian, and a guy who likes to have fun. Where could I go wrong? Sadly, life isn't as simple as that. When you've been in a relationship for like, 5 years or so, when you are without that aspect of yourself, you seek to fill the gaps left behind. That's me right now, trying to fill the gaps in my identity.

Seminary. I've been in seminary for about 3 years now, and I've got about 3 more semesters to go. However, with a relocation I need to find a new school. I can't exactly commute 4 hours to and from school every week. So in the next month or so, I'll be putting in apps at Fuller and Talbot seminaries. I was talking to my friend Wendy the other day, and as we discussed the future I pondered what it is I want to be doing with myself, 5 years from now. Honestly, there was only one thing that I KNEW I wanted to be doing - serving the Lord. It was nice to know that my core desire for my future was with Him, and that at least in that moment alone, I had all my priorities straight.

So here I am, on the backside of the Holiday season, change is on the horizon, and I'm not sure which way to go. At least I know that despite the craziness of life, its been everything I had hoped it would be - and more.

Here's to tomorrow, and everything it brings.

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